3 Easy Ways To Record YouTube Videos Today!
Have no fear! There is information in this post that will help those without a YouTube channel get started like the video at the very end of this post. Don’t scroll to the bottom just yet. In addition, there is information that will help those who already have a channel consider 3 easy ways to capture more videos on a regular basis.
QUICK TIP: Don’t underestimate the power of action “today not tomorrow” and the power of your smartphone.
I’m 53 and started this website in April 2020 without any strategic planning. You can do the same thing when it comes to YouTube whether it’s starting a channel from scratch or getting more video content on your YouTube channel. No Excuses! Don’t overthink it! Just make it happen!
Not getting started on YouTube years ago was a huge mistake on my part. However, it’s never too late and I’m not going to beat myself up over the past. I currently have two active YouTube channels and just launched a third YouTube channel. However, I struggled for several years to take action. Suppressing the thought of starting a YouTube channel became easy to do because excuses were/are the easy way out of most anything.
It’s true: Quality video and audio are important parts of a video, but you don’t have to have a $1,000 to $2,000+ setup ( mic, camera, lighting, software, etc. ). Waiting until you have the right equipment is no reason to put off getting started with a new YouTube channel today or continuing to expand your current YouTube channel with more video content.
QUICK TIP: The best still camera or video camera to have is the one that you have with you and you likely have your smartphone with you 24/7.
You can record video just using your phone and nothing else. There are some great editing apps like Videoshop and InShot for you to do video editing on your phone in a matter of minutes. But keep in mind, you can just use the RAW video clip, so don’t let video editing be another excuse.
A second way to record video for YouTube is to do two person discussions using ZOOM like you see on the Videos page of Hope Now 2020. You can use the built in webcam and built in mic on a laptop. Although I don’t use my phone for ZOOM discussion recordings, that’s something you may want to look into. Personally, I recommend being stable with a laptop or desktop. ZOOM has a FREE option and an entry level low cost monthly or annual option. I use the paid option and record to the cloud. If you don’t have a webcam and/or mic ( could be the case with a desktop ), they can both be purchased for under $100. Again, no excuses. Just get it done!
There are several ways to record screen capture and/or your webcam, but I like screen-o-matic which is what I use as of this post for much of my webcam video capture when I’m not using ZOOM. I don’t like ZOOM video quality and I firmly believe the quality is better with Screen-O-Matic using the same webcam as I use with ZOOM.
Note: The banner below is an affiliate banner which I could get a commission from. However, I do use and love Screen-O-Matic, so I’m not just trying to make a buck. None of the in body links in this post are affiliate links.
I had never heard of Gary Vaynerchuk until a few days ago. He has three YouTube Channels that I know of: Gary Vee ( 2.6M+ subscribers ) and Gary Vee TV ( 289K+ subscribers ). If you can overlook his foul mouth, you can get lots of great information. But he does have a CURSE FREE GARY VEE ( 11.7K+ subscribers ). He is truly a GIVER! You may want to pick up a copy of CRUSHING IT as well.
From my short time listening to Gary Vee, I have come away with a few key things: it doesn’t have to perfect, be yourself, start a podcast, start a podcast, start a podcast ( more in a moment ) and use social media but be unique to each social platform because users respond differently on Twitter than on Instagram for example.
Gary admits that he has been at it for several years putting in several hours per day everyday and not just Monday through Friday. He told a new YouTuber that had been at it for just 2 months that he should be thinking 7 to 11 years of 4 hours per day everyday. But even then, there is no guarantee of success. Keep in mind that getting your channel and/or regularly posting content is the goal of this post not trying to be the next Gary Vee: You are you. Let Gary Vee be Gary Vee.
You can strip out the audio from your YouTube video using something like UniConverter from Wondershare and BAM!, you’ll have an MP3 to post on your podcast channel. Currently, I’m converting the audio from video interviews to create MP3’s on the Podcast page of Hope Now 2020. There may be a FREE option online ( be careful ) but I use the paid version of UniConverter.
Note: The banner below is an affiliate banner which I could get a commission from. However, I do use and love Podbean, so I’m not just trying to make a buck. None of the in body links in this post are affiliate links.
I have been listening to Tony some recently. I first started listening to Tony Robbins around 30 years ago on cassette tape. One of the things the Tony has been saying for years is “TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!”
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” ( Tony Robbins ) So I’ll ask you now, what decision are you going to make right this moment to shape your own destiny based on what I have shared so far in this post.
It’s one thing to make a decision, but to actually put that decision into motion is entirely different. Don’t mistake strategic planning which is great. But actually setting the plan into motion and making things happen is far greater.
There are numerous videos on YouTube about starting a YouTube channel. Today, I found the one below which lead to me writing this post. Since the video was posted within 30 days of this post, I thought that I’d use it rather than one from 2019 because that would be so 2019.
The video seems well done, so I thought that I’d share it with you below. Obviously, you can search on YouTube for many more videos on getting your channel started. Remember, don’t just watch videos and continue putting off starting your YouTube channel or expanding your content on your current YouTube channel.